Wavelength to Frequency Conversion Calculator
This tool converts from Wavelength in nm, um, mm, cm, m, inches or feet to Frequency in Hz, kHz, MHz, …
This tool converts from Wavelength in nm, um, mm, cm, m, inches or feet to Frequency in Hz, kHz, MHz, …
This tool converts Frequency to Wavelength. Enter the frequency and use the drop down menu to select Hz/kHz/MHz or GHz …
This tool calculates the velocity factor from the relative permittivity. Calculator Enter the relative permittivity εr and the tool will …
This calculator gives the lengths of the radiating element of a quarter wave (λ/4) ground plane monopole and the radials. …
This tool uses the physical length of a dipole or monopole antenna to find the frequency of operation. Calculator Steps …
The gain of a Horn antenna depends on its frequency of operation, aperture and its efficiency. Formula Gain = (4π …
This tool converts Watt to dBm (deciBel relative to 1 milliwatt). Enter the value and use the drop down menu …
This tool converts from dBu to dBm. 🔁 dBm to dBu Formula dBm = dBu + 27.78 – 10*Log10(Z) where …
This tool converts from dBm to dBu. dBm is deciBel referenced to 1 milliwatt. dBu is deciBel unloaded. Both are …
This tool converts a Power Gain in dB to the ratio of: Formula PdB = 10*Log10(P1/P2) PdB = 20*Log10(V1/V2) and …