Meter Bands to Frequency Converter

Amateur radio operators often use the term “meter bands” to refer to specific ranges of frequencies.

This tool converts from meter to frequency in Hertz, kHz, MHz or GHz


  • Enter the length and use the drop down menu to select the units
  • The default value for speed of light is 299792458 meter/second


Frequency f is given by the formula

f = c/λ

where, c is the speed of light and λ is the wavelength. As the wavelength increases the frequency decreases.

In a vacuum, the speed of light is c = 299,792,458 meters/second. It is slower in other media such as in glass for instance where the speed is 200,000,000 meters/second. Change the value of c in the calculator above to calculate the frequency in this case.

For a fixed value of wavelength, as c increases, so does f.

The picture below shows the wavelength (λ) of a sine wave

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Sine_wavelength.svg_.png
Dicklyon (Richard F. Lyon), CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

What Are Meter Bands?

Meter bands are a way to describe the wavelength of radio waves in meters. This terminology comes from the early days of radio when wavelengths were more commonly used than frequencies. Today, both wavelength and frequency are used interchangeably, but knowing how to convert between them is essential.

Meter band to Frequency Table

Using the calculator above, meters can be converted to frequency. Here’s a quick reference table for some common amateur radio bands:

Meter BandFrequency Range (MHz)
160 meters1.8 – 2.0 MHz
80 meters3.5 – 4.0 MHz
40 meters7.0 – 7.3 MHz
30 meters10.1 – 10.15 MHz
20 meters14.0 – 14.35 MHz
17 meters18.068 – 18.168 MHz
15 meters21.0 – 21.45 MHz
12 meters24.89 – 24.99 MHz
10 meters28.0 – 29.7 MHz
6 meters50.0 – 54.0 MHz
2 meters144 – 148 MHz
1.25 meters222 – 225 MHz
70 centimeters420 – 450 MHz

Practical Application

When setting up your radio, knowing how to convert meter bands to frequencies helps you tune to the correct range for your desired communication band. This is especially useful when programming frequencies into your radio or selecting antennas, as different antennas are optimized for different wavelength ranges.