This tool converts currency Indian Crores to US Dollar equivalent
- Exchange Rate (number of rupees to one dollar)
- Number of crores in Indian Rupees
- The calculator will find the equivalent in US$ (you can also use the drop down menu to select Thousand $, Million $ or Billion $)
US$ = (Number of Crores * 107)/(Exchange Rate)
Where Exchange Rate is the number of Rupees (โน) to One US Dollar
One Crore is equal to 10,000,000
Example Calculations
For an exchange rate of 84 Rupees to One Dollar,
- 5 crores INR is equivalent to US$595,238
- A salary of 1 crore INR is equivalent to US$119,048
- 1000 crores is equivalent to US$119,047,619
- 100 crore rupees is approximately 12 million US dollars
- 10,000 crore rupees is approximately 1.2 Billion US$
A crore rupees is a commonly used unit in the Indian numbering system to represent ten million rupees (10,000,000 INR). It is widely used in countries like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka to measure large sums of money in both personal and business contexts.
Crore in the Indian Numbering System
In the Indian numbering system, large numbers are expressed differently from the Western system. Hereโs how it works:
- 1 lakh = 100,000 rupees
- 1 crore = 10,000,000 rupees (or 100 lakhs)
In numerals:
- 1 crore = 1,00,00,000 INR
This is equivalent to 10 million in the international system.
Related Converters
- Crore Indian Rupees to Canadian Dollar
- Crore Rupees to Pound Sterling
- Crore Rupees to Euro
- Lakh to USD